Sunday, October 14, 2012

Common Core Tests

I was at a meeting and was perplexed about the idea of not sharing and coordinating county tests for the new Common Core Standards. I feel like the trend is to make the curriculum more similar across the country for students. When we aren't using the same tests county-wide this seems strange to me. Teachers are spending a lot of time making tests on their own. Here are some great tests….

I like these tests because they are challenging, standards-based, and require higher order thinking.

Writing Performance Task and Rubric: link

Math Units:

First grade: Math unit 1 &2

Second Grade:
Unit 1 & 2 Tests

Unit 1 worksheets

Unit 2: Problem Solving, addition and subtraction

Unit 3: Measurement

Matter Unit
Great tests

Georgia's Regions

I don't write the science lesson plans for second grade on my collab team. I write the writing plans. So when I was trying to write a higher order thinking essential question for the 5 Regions science unit I was not very familiar with the standards. Making this critical thinking writing project really combined science, writing, and research in a meaningful way for my students. They loved figuring out the answer to the farmer's problem. Their stories were actually really well written with minimal help from me once I helped them through the first page and demonstrated how to turn their notes into a story. We even had time to research cotton more to determine why it's planted in a certain region and we included those facts in the end of the book.
Georgia's 5 Regions Writing Project


Writing Workshop has been a joy this year. I have a really challenging class due to the different levels of writing they are at but we are doing a lot of higher order thinking and keeping our standards high for all of our students!

They loved MY BIG BAD STORY. After teaching a narrative writing unit this was a really fun way to encourage them to draw and write details to tell a story. Their stories were so awesome! Best of all my kids were engaged the entire time. I was able to easily differentiate the work for students who have a harder time writing and really challenge students who are great writers.