According to the GADOE website, " Georgia law (O.C.G.A., Section 20-2-281) requires that writing assessments be administered to students in grades three, five, eight, and eleven."
How does Lucy Calkins writing workshop prepare kids to take Georgia Milestones and Write Score?
In my opinion starting with writing workshop in K and 1 creates writers that LOVE writing.
Some writing in action:
The strategies that are taught are important for them to try out, experiment with and share with others in a positive environment.
In 2nd and 3rd grade you can spend more time on certain aspects like strong openings and closings and/or formatting rules that are needed for standardized tests.
These lesson plans help me teach writing workshop:
Lucy Calkins First grade units
Unit 2 First grade
Unit 3 First grade
Unit 4 first grade
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